Day 2

No bad side effects on second day like headaches, so that was good.

Morning: rooibos tea and smoothie

morning snack: three rice cakes with PB and apple slices

lunch: day 1 supper leftovers

supper: tofu mini quiches and salad

dessert: since I had no starch with supper, I had rice cakes with PB and apple.

Lots of water and sodium free sparkling water.

Day 1

By the end of today, I already felt lighter!  I did have a headache in the afternoon that lasted all evening.  Probably the coffee withdrawl.  But, I felt good that I made the plunge to recommit to this.

morning: water, rooibos tea

midmorning: spinach and kale smoothie

lunch: since I don’t yet have leftovers, I ate five rice crackers smeared with PB and apple slices.  Four would have been enough as they were filling.

Supper: I whipped up a cauliflower, chickpea, sweet potato, cabbage curry with raisins.  It was really good.

I remembered just how fast and easy vegan cooking is.  Throw together a bean with a starch and some veggies, add spices.  How easy us that?!

Feeling positive.

Been a looooong time, but I am back.

It’s been almost 3 years since family went vegan.  More than 2.5 years since family fell off the wagon and became junk food carnivores.  1.5 years since I quit drinking alcohol permenantly.  And, today, three years since starting this blog – I am ready to begin again.  I will be forty this year, and I want to finally commit to living a healthy, purposeful life.  I am always tired.  I am slowly gaining weight.  I have zero energy.  Enough is enough.

I am gonna go for the 21 day challenge again!  I got my smoothie stuff ready to blend in the morning!